Isle Harbor Township
2:07 am, Mar 14, 2025
temperature icon 41°F
overcast clouds
Humidity Humidity: 85 %
Pressure Pressure: 998 mb
Wind Wind: 12 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 30 mph
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:28 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:18 pm

Physical Address:

Isle Harbor Town Hall

3622 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386

Mailing Address:

Isle Harbor Township

c/o Pamela McGuire-Clerk

3862 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386


Pamela McGuire – Town Clerk



The Town Hall is open only when meetings are being held or by appointment.

Special Meeting April 21, 2021

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant

A special meeting of the Board to review liquor license renewal for Fiddlestix will be held immediately following the Board of Appeal and Equalization being held April 21, 2021 at 1:00 pm. This issue requires consideration prior to the next regular meeting.