Isle Harbor Township
6:21 am, Mar 10, 2025
temperature icon 39°F
broken clouds
Humidity Humidity: 72 %
Pressure Pressure: 1003 mb
Wind Wind: 9 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 26 mph
Clouds Clouds: 79%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:35 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:12 pm

Physical Address:

Isle Harbor Town Hall

3622 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386

Mailing Address:

Isle Harbor Township

c/o Pamela McGuire-Clerk

3862 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386


Pamela McGuire – Town Clerk



The Town Hall is open only when meetings are being held or by appointment.

Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP)

What is a Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP)?

The purpose of the PNP is for MN voters to vote for a presidential candidate who they wish for their party to nominate as the candidate on the November State General Election ballot.  The chair of each major party will submit a list of candidates for the party’s ballot no later than January 2, 2024.

When does the PNP take place?

Election Day is March 5, 2024. Isle Harbor Township 3622 380th St., Wahkon MN. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. If not in Isle Harbor Township,  find your polling place for the PNP on the Polling Place Finder. 

How does voting work?

  • Voters must declare their major political party preference.
    There are separate ballots for each major political party and a voter will be given a Presidential Nomination Primary ballot with only candidates for their selected party.
  • Only one office (president) will be listed on the ballot, and it will include only one name (not a president/vice president team).
  • A voter’s choice of major political party will not be public information, except that it will be made available to election officials and to the chair of the major political party that you select.

Additional PNP Information

Minnesota Secretary of State’s website provides additional information on the Presidential Nomination Primary and answers to frequently asked questions.

Vote Early by Absentee for the PNP

Absentee voting for the PNP will be January 19, 2024 – March 4, 2024. View additional information on how to vote early by absentee for the Presidential Nomination Primary.