Isle Harbor Township
5:37 am, Mar 9, 2025
temperature icon 35°F
scattered clouds
Humidity Humidity: 70 %
Pressure Pressure: 1009 mb
Wind Wind: 12 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 31 mph
Clouds Clouds: 48%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:37 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:11 pm

Physical Address:

Isle Harbor Town Hall

3622 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386

Mailing Address:

Isle Harbor Township

c/o Pamela McGuire-Clerk

3862 380th St, Wahkon MN 56386


Pamela McGuire – Town Clerk



The Town Hall is open only when meetings are being held or by appointment.

History From The Minutes


Isle Harbor Business


The Board met with the county board for the prupose of dividing the township into two towns a  petition was allowed. The new town to be called Lewis. The indebtedness to be divided equally, also the credits. Town hall fund to be equally divided equally.  All moneys due from Henry Rines to be divided equally. A division of tools was agreed upon  Isle Harbor to take Russell grader at 50.00. The Austin grader at $300.00,  One plow at 20.00  One record  file at $28.70.The town of Lewis to take the little Russell grader at $40.00 one plow at 5.00. Drags, scrapers and all other tools to be divided equally.

Book 1918-1923  Jan 3/22


Made final settlement with Lewis town.

Book 1918-1923,  April 10/23


RE: Road Maintenance

We the town boards of Isle Harbor and Hay Brook do agree to divide the road on County Line in the following manner, to town of Hay Brook to keep up the North Mile between Sec’s seven (7) of Hay Brook and Sec Twelve (12) of Isle Harbor. The town of Isle Harbor to keep up South Mile between Sec (13) thirteen of Isle Harbor and Sec (18) eighteen of Hay Brook. Motion made to accept agreement.

Book 1918-1923, June 10/22


Sale of Intoxicating beverages

A special election was held at the Legion Hall in Isle with the following question to be voted upon:

“Shall the sale of intoxicating  liquors be permitted within the County through the establishment of municipal liquor stores”. …A total of 123 votes were cast being divided as follows ” yes – 61 votes   No – 62 votes

Purchase of Grange Hall (Building and lot)

Deed  for Grange Hall was presented to the Board by Hammond Brown. Motion by Dale Schimming to transfer deed for Grange #665 – seconded by Anton Olson for the amount of $1.00. All fees connected to the transfer, insurance, taxes, and electricity to be paid by the township.

Book 1968-1976,  Aug 16, 1972,  Page 85

Rental of Safety Deposit Box

“Motion by Dale Schimming to rent safty deposit box (if one is available) from Lakeside State  Bank – seconded by Anton Olson.”

Book 1968-1976, Mar 9, 1973, page 87

Old Town Hall

“The remains of the old town hall were burned by Isle Fire Dept. Russell Rule an N. Springer were present.”

Book 1977-1986, Aug 1, 1979, Page 18


New Town Hall

“The first meeting was held in the new town hall..”

Book 1977-1986, Nov. 14, 1979, page 21

New Privy

“Construction of a new privy for the townhall was discussed. The Isle Lumber yard will build it on their premises and transport it to the townhall site.”

Book 1977-1986, April 14, 1982, page 36


For the purpose of building what is commonly known as the Rines Road it was agreed to build it by day work and E.J.Ziebarth was employed to oversee and build the road (at 50 cents per hour) Mr. Henry Rines agreeing that his company would stand one half of the cost of building road.

Book 1918-1923, July 6/18

Motion made and carried that the town would build one half of the road running north from the center of sec no 9 to the north line, expense not to exceed 100 dollars.

Book 1918-1923, May 9/19

Motion made to repair and gravel what is commonly known as the Mora Road to Althauses Corner from the village of Wahkon.

Book 1918-1923, May 23/19


Motion made to pay out according to petition the road between Sec 10 & 11 and 14 & 15 in Township 41 Range 25 and terminating between Sec 22 &23 and 26 & 27 in Township 41 Range 25  said road to run on the section line between 14 & 15 and 22 & 23 in said Town and Range. McCloud and Pinz voting in favor and Congdon voting against. Book 1918-1923, Jan 2/20

A motion was made and carried to accept the road petition presented by Wm Sanders. A motion was made and carried to appoint N. J. Johnson as road overseer for the West side and Adam Althaus for the East side. Meeting adjourned to meet on the County line between Kenebec Co and Mille lacs Co Sat. April 10 at 1 p.m.

Book 1918-1923, April 2/20


Motion was made and carried that the Board let contract to complete Rines Road. Board will meet at South East Corner of Sec 16 at the north end of the Rines Road to receive bids for the completion of the four miles of road under construction.

Book 1918-1923, April 23/20

After inspecting the Wm Sander’s road, Alfred Olson’s bid was accepted to build ½ mile of road between Sec’s 29 and 32 for $300.00 to be completed Nov. 1

Also looked over the Olson and Hardin contracts in sec 25 and same was accepted.

A motion was made by Calvin Bezanson and seconded by D. D. MacLeod to accept F. E. Hardin’s bid to build about 200 rods of road on the Sec line between Sec’s 16-21, T41.R.25 for $1525.00.

Book 1918-1923, Aug 23/20

Board met with the South Harbor Board and established road on County line between secs 18 X 13 and 19 X 24 Range 25 Town 42, and Range 26 and Town 42.

Book 1918-1923, Dec 11/20


Motion made and seconded that road petition by Albert Hoefer be accepted. Description of road beginning at SW ¼ corner of NW ¼ of NE ¼ Section 22 Township 42 Range 25 – thence running east on the eight line one half mile terminating with the  north and south road on east side of the said sec.

Book 1918-1923, June 4/21


Road petition of Ted Lewis for road four rods wide between Sec ten (10) and fifteen (15) of Township 41 Range 25. Said land is dedicated by the owners for road Public road purposes. Was Accepted.

Book 1919-1923, July 30/21


Motion made and seconded that road petition by M.M. Wilkes be accepted. Carried. Description of road. Beginning at the South quarter part of Sec. 19 in Township 41. R25. Running south on the north and south quarter lines thru sections 30 and 31. Said Township and range a distance of approximately two miles to the town line between the Towns of Isle Harbor and Mudgett.

Book 1918 -1923, July 30/21

Motion made that road running south on sec lines between 14 – 15; 22-23-41-25 be laid out. Carried.



The Board of Supervisers petition County Commissioner Sehlin to designate the following road (twp road No 8, twp road No 2) as County Aid Road. Commencing at the county line between Mille Lacs & Kanebec counties, thence west one mile on quarter line Sec 13, commencing at  N.W. corner of Sec 27 -thence one mile south on Section line between Sec 27 and Sec 28, there terminating.  Motion carried.

Book 1931-1937, Aug 29/33


A joint  meeting of the town supervisors of Isle Harbor and South Harbor township met with County Commissioners in South Harbor Twp for the purpose of viewing road to lake cottages north of Frailey farm.

Boundry lines of Isle Harbor and South Harbor twps. were established, as indicated on plats furnished by Commissoner  R. Johnson. Motion made by Robt Just (south Harbor) 2nd by E.J.Bright (Isle Harbor) that South Harbor to make necessary repairs to roads within South Harbor Twp soon as men and trucks become available. Isle Harbor Twp to repair their roads when roads are passable thru South Harbor  Twp.

Book 1941-1948, 6/12/44,  pg 105


Purpose of meeting was to turn Hazelglade Road over to Mille Lcs county commissioner to maintain and care for. Mille Lacs County has asked that Isle Harbor pay them $1500.00  hundred $1000.00 one thousand now and 500.00 hundred a year from now.

Motion by Anton Olson second  by Vincent Schubert that we accept  there offer. So carried.

Book 1960-1968,  Aug 8, 1964, page 79


“Board approved of closing old township road noen as the Old Ices road leading to Russell Ruels farm Ices

Knowen a NE corner of NE quarter of sect 12 twn 42-25 and thence south ½ mile being the dividing line between the two above named quarter sections to the intersection with the south line of each respective quarter sect

We further petition that said road when vacates shall revert back to the owners as now of record of the adjoining land to said road”

Book 1955-1960, March 11, 1958, page 83


“Notice was put in Isle Paper for closing old road past Ices place south. Meeting to be held March 21 at 800 @ Isle grange hall for those who disapprove of closing road known as NE qt of sect 12 twn 42-25 then 1 so ½ mile to the dividing line between the two- noned section to the entusection with the South line of each recipectued qt sec.

Meeting held 21 of March. No one came so road was closed and will be recorded in Milaca Court House.”

Book 1955-1960, March 10, 1959, Page 86

“Motion made by Anton Olson, second by Vince Schubert to except Moose Lane (Min-Ness Terrace) (Wahkon Mobile Home Park) as a township road.”

Book 1968-1976,Nov 20, 1970. Page 79

“There was a discussion about the Lundheim road. Tony Olson made a motion that Isle Harbor Twsp take over the maintenance of the Lundheim road. Motion seconded by Dale Schimming.”

Book 1968-1976, Oct 2, 1975, Page 98

“There was discussion to an agreement that had been sent to the Town Board by the County Engineer whereby the Isle Harbor Town Board and the County would go together to extend East Moose Lane in Mi-Nis Terrace to the south to meet State Highway 27. The County was to survey, get permits and do the work on the project but Isle Harbor Township was to pay for everything. There was a motion by Clark Lyback  to sign the agreement. Russell Rule seconded the motion.”

Book 1977-1986, Dec 28, 1979, Page 22

“Filled in channel  at Mi-Nis Terrace to extend East Moose Lane to Highway 27. Pinz Gravel Co. hauled the fill. Mille Lacs County engineer, Dick Larson, had charge of the project.

The Isle Harbor Town Board of Russell Rule, Clark Lyback and Rueben Rasmussen were present when the work was done. A culvert was to be put in later.”

Book 1977-1986, July 27, 1981, Page 32

Hearing on petition to vacate Lyback road was held at Town Hall at 2 P.M. Town officers present were Russell Rule, Clark Lyback, Rueben Rasmusson, and clerk Norman Springer. ………Chairman Rule asked if thre was any opposition to the closing of the described road  (“town road going through the Clark Lyback property in Gov’t lot 1-42-25” as described on page 33). All landowners affected by the road closing expressed opinions in favor of the closing.

Rueben Rasmussen made a motion to vacate the road described in the petition. Russell Rule seconded the motion as Clark Lyback was  a member of the board. Motion passed unanimously.

Book 1977-1986, Dec. 9, 1981, page 34

“P. Tideman updated and appraised the Board about the Lyback……. Road to be assumed by the township. Sup Tideman showed how such property will be deeded and assumed by updated plat to correct old error in original survey of take back and deeding to township. Clerk and Chm Olson signed and “sealed” such deed to complete this transaction.”

“Whereas, the K. Lyback subdivision road has been improved to satisfy engineer’s requirements, whereas such road has been properly replotted and redeeded, whereas all requirements for public acceptance have been met, the K. Lyback Road shall be assumed in title and all maintenance by the Town Board of Isle Harbor.”

Motion by Phil Tideman, seconded by L. Nutt to accept such resolution as so stated; motion carried.

Book 1977-1986, Aug. 10, 1989, page 60-61

  1. Tideman reported on his conclusion of deed transfers pertinent to the Larson Rd becoming a township road. All deeds are recorded at deeder’s expense. The new road will be maintained by Isle Harbor Township and shall be designated the “Larson Road.”

Book 1977-1986,  Aug. 14, 1989, page 62

“The new deeds for the small parcels of land (2), one from K. Lyback, and one from R and C Larson resultant from ceding land to township were given to clerk for placement in safety deposit box.”

Book 1977-1986, Oct. 10, 1989, page 64